Do you ever take a photo, typically in florescent lighting that turns out looking yellow. You look at the image on your phone and think, that’s not what it actually looks like!
Our phones and manual settings on cameras will do the best job they can with auto adjusting white balance. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
Take this example. A client reached out and asked “How to I make this photo look light and airy. It doesn’t match my style.”

What she was trying to tell me is that the white balance is off.
With one adjustment in Lightroom we changed the photo to this.

The white balance tool can be found in the color menu option. The icon looks like a dropper. Click on it and drag the color locator over a neutral color, try white or black and avoid any reflections or using white clouds.
You don’t have to be a professional photographer to take beautiful photos. Learning simple editing techniques can enhance your skills and save you some serious cash. When creating a brand, it is important to know and love your style. Accept nothing less than exceptional.
To learn more about Lightroom, visit Adobe Lightroom.